Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day Two of Biking

News Flash!

I've found I can't lose weight without exercise. Go figure. Anyway, I always thought I could "work it in" the day somehow. Working full time, then coming home to a 3 and 5 year old...making dinner, spending time with them, baths, etc...by the time 8 o'clock rolls around and they're in bed...I DO NOT wanna go downstairs and work out. I was fooling myself.

So...I asked the Hubs for help. Yes, I've asked for help in the past. A little bit about me...I well, um how do I say this...

I ADORE SLEEP. It's actually listed as a fave pasttime of mine. Bored? Sleep! Stressed? Sleep!

Getting up in the morning when the alarm first goes off...NOT IN MY NATURE. My nature? Hit snooze a gazillion times until I'm running late.

Geez, I'm on a bunny trail here...anyway the point is I asked Hubs to help get me up when he does (5:45-6 a.m.) to exercise.

He got REALLY quiet.

Then he finally responded...


Um, what? So he explains...

Honey, I have tried this in the past when you've asked. You snap at me. Or don't get up. I'm NOT doing it anymore...so...the first time you bite my head off...or lay there...I'm DONE! One strike. That's it.

Dang...okay then. If I want his help (and I do! I need accountability...) I have to get up.

I'm proud to say...today was day 2 of me getting up. I go right downstairs and ride my lil' bike while watching a movie.

My current pleasure?

Well played, Zac. Well played.

Hey, it keeps me moving, okay?

The scale is moving in the right direction too. ;)

Game on.

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